2024-06-19 22:32:41 -06:00

131 lines
5.6 KiB

collarHost = "" # Note that headset packets require a response from server, but collar packets are just sent out
collarPort = 4120
from time import sleep
import socket
from simpleLog import log
import subprocess
# logPath = '/home/jamesh/.local/share/PolyMC/instances/Other 1.20.4/.minecraft/logs/latest.log'
logPath = '/home/jamesh/.local/share/PolyMC/instances/1.20.4/.minecraft/logs/latest.log'
lastLine = ""
currentHealthP1 = 0 # TODO: A better solution than this
previousHealthP1 = 20 # Assume full health on load
currentHealthP2 = 0
previousHealthP2 = 20
lowHealth = False # Custom rules for maps that change the health the player has. Detects when the health goes from 20 to another arbitrary value.
lowHealthLevel = "20" # Level of punishment delivered when player death is detected in lowHealth mode
lowHealthTrigger = 14 # Triggers punishment when this much damage is taken, so if set to 14, 20 to 6 will trigger.
p1 = "timothyhay"
p2 = "snoopyhoff"
players = 2 # How many players to use. p1 uses channel 1 by default.
channel = "1"
mode = "4" # 1: LED, 2: BEEP, 3: VIBRATE, 4: ZAP
shockMultiplier = 5
block = False # If set to true, no commands will be sent. Used for lowHealth
if mode == "4":
log("WARNING -- You are running with shocks ENABLED! -- WARNING", "w")
log("WARNING -- With a multiplier of "+str(shockMultiplier)+", the max shock level is "+str(shockMultiplier*20)+"! -- WARNING", "w")
def getLastLine(filePath):
with open(filePath, 'r') as file:
lines = file.readlines()
lastLine = lines[-1].strip() # remove newline character
return lastLine
def sendCollar(host, port, command):
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto(command.encode(), (host, port))
def pairCollar(): # Call me before the loop to pair collars
while True:
chan = input("CHANNEL (q to quit): ")
if chan == "q":
elif chan == "1":
log("Sending channel 1")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, "1350")
elif chan == "2":
log("Sending channel 2")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, "2350")
log("Sending input as raw!")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, str(chan))
# pairCollar()
log("I will monitor the Minecraft logfile located at "+logPath+" and fire packets at "+collarHost+":"+str(collarPort))
while True:
# sleep(.1)
# currentLine = getLastLine(logPath)
currentLine = str((subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-1', logPath])).decode('utf-8')[0:-1])
# if lastLine != currentLine:
if "~" in currentLine:
line = currentLine.split("~")
# log(line[1]) # Player name
# log(line[3]) # Player health
if line[1] == p1:
# log("fsd")
# log(currentHealthP1)
# log(previousHealthP1)
currentHealthP1 = line[3]
if currentHealthP1 != previousHealthP1:
damage = (int(currentHealthP1) - int(previousHealthP1))*-1
log(line[1]+" health: "+currentHealthP1)
if damage > 0:
log(line[1]+" damage: "+str(damage))
level = str(int(damage*shockMultiplier))
if 0 < int(level) <= 100:
if damage == lowHealthTrigger and lowHealth:
log(line[1]+" gets a level "+lowHealthLevel+" shock on channel 1.", "w")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, "1"+mode+lowHealthLevel)
block = True
block = False
if not block and not lowHealth:
log(line[1]+" gets a level "+level+" shock on channel 1.", "w")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, "1"+mode+level)
elif line[1] == p2:
currentHealthP2 = line[3]
if currentHealthP2 != previousHealthP2:
damage = (int(currentHealthP2) - int(previousHealthP2))*-1
log(line[1]+" health: "+currentHealthP2)
if damage > 0:
log(line[1]+" damage: "+str(damage))
level = str(int(damage*shockMultiplier))
if 0 < int(level) <= 100:
if damage == lowHealthTrigger and lowHealth:
log(line[1]+" gets a level "+lowHealthLevel+" shock on channel 2.", "w")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, "2"+mode+lowHealthLevel)
block = True
block = False
if not block and not lowHealth:
log(line[1]+" gets a level "+level+" shock on channel 2.", "w")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, "2"+mode+level)
# currentHealth = int(currentLine.split("~")[1])
# damage = (currentHealth - previousHealth)*-1 # Get actual damage
# if currentHealth != previousHealth:
# log("Health: "+str(currentHealth))
# if damage > 0:
# log("Damage: "+str(damage)+" damage.")
# level = str(int(damage*shockMultiplier))
# if 0 < int(level) <= 100:
# log("Player gets a level "+level+" shock.")
# sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, channel+mode+level)
# log(currentLine)
lastLine = currentLine
previousHealthP1 = currentHealthP1
previousHealthP2 = currentHealthP2