2024-06-19 22:32:41 -06:00

263 lines
11 KiB

headsetHost = ""
headsetPort = 4120
collarHost = "" # Note that headset packets require a response from server, but collar packets are just sent out
# RPI is
collarPort = 4120
outFile = "data"
optionFile = "options" # All variables between flask and main must be done via files. Also allows Unity to get data and options.
from headset import main as headsetLoop
from animate_graph import graph
from animate_bar import bar
from simpleLog import log
from utils.gen_data import genData
import socket
import threading
import time
import subprocess
from multiprocessing import Process
import multiprocessing
from flask import Flask, render_template, jsonify, request, redirect
import csv
punishAttention = 1 # Punish attention if 0: Don't punish, 1: If it goes above the threshold, 2: If it goes below the threshold
punishMeditation = 0
threshold = 210 # By default set to an impossible value so nobody gets hurt during setup
channel = "1" # Collar channel
mode = "4" # 1: LED, 2: BEEP, 3: VIBRATE, 4: ZAP
timeout = 5 # Punishment timeout in seconds
severityDivider = 2 # Divide amount away from threshold by this value
animWith = 2 # 0: graph, 1: bar, 2: web (also enables controls)
eStop = False # When set to true, no outbound packets are sent
fakeData = False # If I should generate fake data. Used for debugging.
debug = True # Log bugLog?
written = threading.Event() # Allows blocking until new data is written
exitAll = threading.Event() # Exit.
initialWritten = multiprocessing.Event()
log("WARNING: SHOCK IS CURRENTLY OVERRIDED AT LEVEL 100!!!", "e") # remove later
def sendCollar(host, port, command):
global eStop
if eStop:
log("EStop is enabled! I cannot send packets until you restart the program", "e")
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
sock.sendto(command.encode(), (host, port))
def read_csv(filename):
data = []
with open(filename, 'r') as file:
csv_reader = csv.DictReader(file)
for row in csv_reader:
return data
def rwOptions(write=False, threshold=0, punishAttention=0, punishMeditation=0, punishWith=3, wantOption=0): # Option 0 is threshold, 1 is punishAttention, 2 is punishMeditation, 3 is punishWith
if write == False:
# bugLog("Options are being read from!")
options = open(optionFile, 'r')
if wantOption == 0:
elif wantOption == 1:
elif wantOption == 2:
elif wantOption == 3:
elif write:
bugLog("Options are being written to!")
options = open(optionFile, 'w')
def bugLog(message, level="i"):
global debug
if debug:
log(message, level, "DEBUG")
headsetThread = threading.Thread(target=headsetLoop, args=(headsetHost, headsetPort, outFile, written, exitAll), daemon=True)
rwOptions(True, threshold, punishAttention, punishMeditation, mode)
log("\n\nHello Open Sauce!!! Begin!\n\n")
if fakeData:
log("Starting thread to genearate fake data!", "w")
threading.Thread(target=genData, args=(outFile,), daemon=True).start()
if animWith == 0:
#graphThread = threading.Thread(target=graph, args=(outFile, written, exitAll), daemon=True).start()
graphProc = Process(target=graph, args=(outFile, initialWritten))
elif animWith == 1:
graphProc = Process(target=bar, args=(outFile, initialWritten))
elif animWith == 2:
log("Starting web interface")
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
return render_template('index.html')
def graph():
return render_template('graph.html')
def play():
threshold = rwOptions(wantOption=0)
if punishMeditation != 0:
# log("Setting meditation threshold to "+str(threshold))
data = {'threshold': threshold}
elif punishAttention != 0:
# log("Setting meditation threshold to "+str(threshold))
data = {'threshold': threshold}
return render_template('play.html', data=data)
@app.route('/open-sussy') # Seperate route because I plan to add more mode specific stuff later (LED stuff)
def open_sussy():
threshold = rwOptions(wantOption=0)
if punishMeditation != 0:
# log("Setting meditation threshold to "+str(threshold))
data = {'threshold': threshold}
elif punishAttention != 0:
# log("Setting meditation threshold to "+str(threshold))
data = {'threshold': threshold}
return render_template('openSauce.html', data=data)
def shock():
level = request.args.get('power')
log("Got request to send a shock of power level " + level + "!")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, channel+mode+"100")
# return 'Successfully sent shock of power level '+str(level)
return redirect('/play')
# @app.route('/restart-headset')
# def restart():
# log("Got request to restart headset unishWith
# pass
# threading.Thread(target=headsetLoop, args=(headsetHost, headsetPort, outFile, written, exitAll),
# daemon=True).start()
# exitAll.clear()
# return 'Successfully killed old headset thread and started new one'
# Route to fetch data from CSV file
def get_data():
return jsonify(read_csv(outFile))
def stop():
log("E-Stop hit, halting all outbound packets!", "e")
eStop = True
rwOptions(True, 500, 0, 0, 3) # Sets threshold to unreachable value, and sets activation mode to buzz
return render_template('stop.html')
@app.route("/options" , methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def options():
typePunish = request.args.get('type')
condition = request.args.get('condition')
threshold = request.args.get('threshold')
mode = request.args.get('punishment')
if typePunish == "meditation":
if condition == "above":
punishMeditation = 1
elif condition == "below":
punishMeditation = 2
punishAttention = 0
rwOptions(True, threshold, punishAttention, punishMeditation, mode)
bugLog("Setting meditation threshold to "+threshold)
elif typePunish == "attention":
if condition == "above":
punishAttention = 1
elif condition == "below":
punishAttention = 2
punishMeditation = 0
rwOptions(True, threshold, punishAttention, punishMeditation, mode)
bugLog("Setting attention threshold to "+threshold)
log("Invalid data was submitted to the form!", "e")
bugLog("New options were set. punishMeditation: "+str(punishMeditation)+" punishAttention:"+str(punishAttention)+" threshold:"+str(threshold)+" mode:"+str(mode))
# return redirect('/play')
return redirect('open-sussy') # Temp for Open Sauce
webThread = threading.Thread(target=lambda: app.run(debug=True,use_reloader=False), daemon=True).start()
log("No visualization method has been selected!", "w")
def main():
global written
severity = 0
written.wait() # Wait for new data
initialWritten.set() # Unblock animator
line = str(subprocess.check_output(['tail', '-1', '/home/jamesh/Brain/'+outFile]).decode('utf-8')).strip("\n").split(",") # TODO: Make this not stupid
threshold = int(rwOptions(wantOption=0)) # TODO: Make this not stupid and garbage
punishAttention = int(rwOptions(wantOption=1))
punishMeditation = int(rwOptions(wantOption=2))
mode = int(rwOptions(wantOption=3))
bugLog("Current settings are punishMeditation: "+str(punishMeditation)+" punishAttention:"+str(punishAttention)+" threshold:"+str(threshold)+" mode:"+str(mode))
bugLog("Got threshold - currently set to "+str(threshold))
if int(line[1]) == 0:
if punishAttention == 1 and int(line[2]) > threshold or punishAttention == 2 and int(line[2]) < threshold:
if punishAttention == 1:
log("Attention "+line[2]+" is above threshold "+str(threshold)+"!")
severity = int(line[2]) - threshold
if punishAttention == 2:
log("Attention "+line[2]+" is below threshold "+str(threshold)+"!")
severity = threshold - int(line[2])
log("Punishing attention with severity of "+str(severity)+"! Timing out for "+str(timeout)+" seconds.")
if animWith == 1 or 2:
subprocess.run(["touch", "mark"]) # Mark spot where threshold was hit. animate_graph will remove the file.
level = str(int(round((severity / severityDivider), 0)))
if int(level) == 0:
log("Severity results in level " + str(1) + " shock.")
level = "1"
log("Severity results in level " + level + " shock.", "e")
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, str(channel) + str(mode) + "100") # 6 tier
# print(channel+mode+level)
elif punishMeditation == 1 and int(line[3]) > threshold or punishMeditation == 2 and int(line[3]) < threshold:
if punishMeditation == 1:
log("Meditation "+line[3]+" is above threshold "+str(threshold)+"!")
severity = int(line[3]) - threshold
if punishMeditation == 2:
log("Meditation "+line[3]+" is below threshold "+str(threshold)+"!")
severity = threshold - int(line[3])
log("Punishing meditation with severity of "+str(severity)+"! Timing out for "+str(timeout)+" seconds.")
if animWith == 1 or 2:
subprocess.run(["touch", "mark"]) # Mark spot where threshold was hit. animate_graph will remove the file.
level = str(int(round((severity / severityDivider), 0))) # str(int(round((severity / (maxLevelOffset/6)), 0)))
if int(level) == 0:
log("Severity results in level " + str(1) + " shock.")
level = "1"
log("Severity results in level " + level + " shock.", "e")
# print(channel+mode+level)
sendCollar(collarHost, collarPort, str(channel) + str(mode) + "100") # 6 tier
log("You are within your safe limits.")
log("Strength is not ideal. I will not shock until strength reaches 0!", "w")
log("The program will wait for contact with the headset.")
while True:
except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
log("Received keyboard interrupt, exiting all threads.", "e")