#!/bin/bash : <<'DISCLAIMER' THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. This script is licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Unless otherwise noted, code reproduced herein was written for this script. - The Pimoroni Crew - DISCLAIMER # script control variables productname="Inky pHAT & wHAT" # the name of the product to install scriptname="inky" # the name of this script spacereq=50 # minimum size required on root partition in MB debugmode="no" # whether the script should use debug routines debuguser="none" # optional test git user to use in debug mode debugpoint="none" # optional git repo branch or tag to checkout forcesudo="no" # whether the script requires to be ran with root privileges promptreboot="no" # whether the script should always prompt user to reboot mininstall="no" # whether the script enforces minimum install routine customcmd="yes" # whether to execute commands specified before exit gpioreq="yes" # whether low-level gpio access is required i2creq="yes" # whether the i2c interface is required i2sreq="no" # whether the i2s interface is required spireq="yes" # whether the spi interface is required uartreq="no" # whether uart communication is required armhfonly="yes" # whether the script is allowed to run on other arch armv6="yes" # whether armv6 processors are supported armv7="yes" # whether armv7 processors are supported armv8="yes" # whether armv8 processors are supported raspbianonly="no" # whether the script is allowed to run on other OSes osreleases=( "Raspbian" ) # list os-releases supported oswarning=( "Debian" "Kano" "PiTop" "RetroPie" ) # list experimental os-releases osdeny=( "Darwin" "Kali" "Linaro" "Mate" "Ubuntu" "Volumio" ) # list os-releases specifically disallowed debpackage="inky" # the name of the package in apt repo piplibname="inky" # the name of the lib in pip repo pipoverride="yes" # whether the script should give priority to pip repo pip2support="no" # whether python2 is supported pip3support="yes" # whether python3 is supported topdir="Pimoroni" # the name of the top level directory localdir="inky" # the name of the dir for copy of resources gitreponame="inky" # the name of the git project repo gitusername="pimoroni" # the name of the git user to fetch repo from gitrepobranch="master" # repo branch to checkout gitrepotop="root" # the name of the dir to base repo from gitrepoclone="no" # whether the git repo is to be cloned locally gitclonedir="source" # the name of the local dir for repo repoclean="no" # whether any git repo clone found should be cleaned up repoinstall="no" # whether the library should be installed from repo libdir="library" # subdirectory of library in repo copydir=( "examples" ) # subdirectories to copy from repo copyhead="no" # whether to use the latest repo commit or release tag pkgremove=() # list of conflicting packages to remove coredeplist=() # list of core dependencies pythondep=( "numpy" "pil" "lxml" "smbus" ) # list of python dependencies pipdeplist=() # list of dependencies to source from pypi examplesdep=( "geocoder" "beautifulsoup4" "qrcode" "icalendar" "fonts" "font_hanken_grotesk" "font_intuitive" "font_fredoka_one" "font_source_serif_pro" "font_source_sans_pro" "wikiquotes" ) # list of python modules required by examples somemoredep=() # list of additional dependencies xdisplaydep=() # list of dependencies requiring X server # template 1712181300 FORCE=$1 ASK_TO_REBOOT=false CURRENT_SETTING=false MIN_INSTALL=false FAILED_PKG=false REMOVE_PKG=false UPDATE_DB=false AUTOSTART=~/.config/lxsession/LXDE-pi/autostart BOOTCMD=/boot/cmdline.txt CONFIG=/boot/config.txt DTBODIR=/boot/overlays APTSRC=/etc/apt/sources.list INITABCONF=/etc/inittab BLACKLIST=/etc/modprobe.d/raspi-blacklist.conf LOADMOD=/etc/modules RASPOOL="http://mirrordirector.raspbian.org/raspbian/pool" RPIPOOL="http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/pool" DEBPOOL="http://ftp.debian.org/debian/pool" GETPOOL="https://get.pimoroni.com" SMBUS2="python-smbus_3.1.1+svn-2_armhf.deb" SMBUS3="python3-smbus_3.1.1+svn-2_armhf.deb" SMBUS35="python3-smbus1_1.1+35dbg-1_armhf.deb" SPIDEV2="python-spidev_2.0~git20150907_armhf.deb" SPIDEV3="python3-spidev_2.0~git20150907_armhf.deb" RPIGPIO1="raspi-gpio_0.20170105_armhf.deb" RPIGPIO2="python-rpi.gpio_0.6.3~jessie-1_armhf.deb" RPIGPIO3="python3-rpi.gpio_0.6.3~jessie-1_armhf.deb" export PIP_FORMAT=columns # function define confirm() { if [ "$FORCE" == '-y' ]; then true else read -r -p "$1 [y/N] " response < /dev/tty if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y|Y)$ ]]; then true else false fi fi } prompt() { read -r -p "$1 [y/N] " response < /dev/tty if [[ $response =~ ^(yes|y|Y)$ ]]; then true else false fi } success() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 2)$1$(tput sgr0)" } inform() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 6)$1$(tput sgr0)" } warning() { echo -e "$(tput setaf 1)$1$(tput sgr0)" } newline() { echo "" } progress() { count=0 until [ $count -eq 7 ]; do echo -n "..." && sleep 1 ((count++)) done; if ps -C $1 > /dev/null; then echo -en "\r\e[K" && progress $1 fi } sudocheck() { if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ]; then echo -e "Install must be run as root. Try 'sudo ./$scriptname'\n" exit 1 fi } sysclean() { sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get -y autoremove &> /dev/null } sysupdate() { if ! $UPDATE_DB; then echo "Updating apt indexes..." && progress apt-get & sudo apt-get update 1> /dev/null || { warning "Apt failed to update indexes!" && exit 1; } sleep 3 && UPDATE_DB=true fi } sysupgrade() { sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get clean && sudo apt-get autoclean sudo apt-get -y autoremove &> /dev/null } sysreboot() { warning "Some changes made to your system require" warning "your computer to reboot to take effect." echo if prompt "Would you like to reboot now?"; then sync && sudo reboot fi } home_dir() { if [ $EUID -ne 0 ]; then USER_HOME=$(getent passwd $USER | cut -d: -f6) else warning "Running as root, please log in as a regular user with sudo rights!" echo && exit 1 fi } space_chk() { if command -v stat > /dev/null; then if [ $spacereq -gt $(($(stat -f -c "%a*%S" /)/10**6)) ];then echo warning "There is not enough space left to proceed with installation" if confirm "Would you like to attempt to expand your filesystem?"; then curl -sS $GETPOOL/expandfs | sudo bash && exit 1 else echo && exit 1 fi fi fi } timestamp() { date +%Y%m%d-%H%M } check_network() { sudo ping -q -w 10 -c 1 | grep "received, 0" &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then return 0 else sudo ping -q -w 10 -c 1 | grep "received, 0" &> /dev/null if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then return 0 fi fi return 1 } launch_url() { check_network || (error_box "You don't appear to be connected to the internet, please check your connection and try again!" && exit 1) if command -v xdg-open > /dev/null; then xdg-open "$1" && return 0 else error_box "There was an error attempting to launch your browser!" fi } get_install() { check_network || (error_box "You don't appear to be connected to the internet, please check your connection and try again!" && exit 1) if [ "$1" != diagnostic ];then sysupdate && UPDATE_DB=true fi if ! command -v curl > /dev/null; then apt_pkg_install "curl" fi curl -sS https://get.pimoroni.com/$1 | bash -s - "-y" $2 read -p "Press Enter to continue..." < /dev/tty } apt_pkg_req() { APT_CHK=$(dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' "$1" 2> /dev/null | grep "install ok installed") if [ "" == "$APT_CHK" ]; then echo "$1 is required" true else echo "$1 is already installed" false fi } apt_pkg_install() { echo "Installing $1..." sudo apt-get --yes install "$1" 1> /dev/null || { inform "Apt failed to install $1!\nFalling back on pypi..." && return 1; } } apt_deb_chk() { BEFORE=$(dpkg-query -W "$1" 2> /dev/null) sudo apt-get --yes install "$1" &> /dev/null || return 1 AFTER=$(dpkg-query -W "$1" 2> /dev/null) if [ "$BEFORE" == "$AFTER" ]; then echo "$1 is already the newest version" else echo "$1 was successfully upgraded" fi } apt_deb_install() { echo "Installing $1..." if [[ "$1" != *".deb"* ]]; then sudo apt-get --yes install "$1" &> /dev/null || inform "Apt failed to install $1!\nFalling back on pypi..." dpkg-query -W -f='${Status}\n' "$1" 2> /dev/null | grep "install ok installed" else DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` cd $DEBDIR wget "$GETPOOL/resources/$1" &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i "$DEBDIR/$1" | grep "Installing $1" fi } pip_cmd_chk() { if command -v pip2 > /dev/null; then PIP2_BIN="pip2" elif command -v pip-2.7 > /dev/null; then PIP2_BIN="pip-2.7" elif command -v pip-2.6 > /dev/null; then PIP2_BIN="pip-2.6" else PIP2_BIN="pip" fi if command -v pip3 > /dev/null; then PIP3_BIN="pip3" elif command -v pip-3.3 > /dev/null; then PIP3_BIN="pip-3.3" elif command -v pip-3.2 > /dev/null; then PIP3_BIN="pip-3.2" fi } pip2_lib_req() { PIP2_CHK=$($PIP2_BIN list 2> /dev/null | grep -i "$1") if [ -z "$PIP2_CHK" ]; then true else false fi } pip3_lib_req() { PIP3_CHK=$($PIP3_BIN list 2> /dev/null | grep -i "$1") if [ -z "$PIP3_CHK" ]; then true else false fi } usb_max_power() { if grep -q "^max_usb_current=1$" $CONFIG; then echo -e "\nMax USB current setting already active" else echo -e "\nAdjusting USB current setting in $CONFIG" echo "max_usb_current=1" | sudo tee -a $CONFIG &> /dev/null fi } add_dtoverlay() { if grep -q "^dtoverlay=$1" $CONFIG; then echo -e "\n$1 overlay already active" elif grep -q "^#dtoverlay=$1" $CONFIG; then sudo sed -i "/^#dtoverlay=$1$/ s|#||" $CONFIG echo -e "\nAdding $1 overlay to $CONFIG" ASK_TO_REBOOT=true else echo "dtoverlay=$1" | sudo tee -a $CONFIG &> /dev/null echo -e "\nAdding $1 overlay to $CONFIG" ASK_TO_REBOOT=true fi } remove_dtoverlay() { sudo sed -i "/^dtoverlay=$1$/ s|^|#|" $CONFIG ASK_TO_REBOOT=true } enable_pi_audio() { if grep -q "#dtparam=audio=on" $CONFIG; then sudo sed -i "/^#dtparam=audio=on$/ s|#||" $CONFIG echo -e "\nsnd_bcm2835 loaded (on-board audio enabled)" ASK_TO_REBOOT=true fi } disable_pi_audio() { if grep -q "^dtparam=audio=on" $CONFIG; then sudo sed -i "/^dtparam=audio=on$/ s|^|#|" $CONFIG echo -e "\nsnd_bcm2835 unloaded (on-board audio disabled)" ASK_TO_REBOOT=true fi } test_audio() { echo if confirm "Do you wish to test your system now?"; then echo -e "\nTesting..." speaker-test -l5 -c2 -t wav fi } disable_pulseaudio() { sudo mv /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.desktop /etc/xdg/autostart/pulseaudio.disabled &> /dev/null pulseaudio -k &> /dev/null } kill_volumealsa() { sed -i "s|type=volumealsa|type=space|" $HOME/.config/lxpanel/LXDE/panels/panel &> /dev/null sed -i "s|type=volumealsa|type=space|" $HOME/.config/lxpanel/LXDE-pi/panels/panel &> /dev/null } basic_asound() { sudo echo -e "pcm.\041default {\n type hw\n card 1\n}" > $HOME/.asoundrc sudo echo -e "ctl.\041default {\n type hw\n card 1\n}" >> $HOME/.asoundrc sudo mv $HOME/.asoundrc /etc/asound.conf } config_set() { if [ -n $defaultconf ]; then sudo sed -i "s|$1=.*$|$1=$2|" $defaultconf else sudo sed -i "s|$1=.*$|$1=$2|" $3 fi } servd_trig() { if command -v service > /dev/null; then sudo service $1 $2 fi } get_init_sys() { if command -v systemctl > /dev/null && systemctl | grep -q '\-\.mount'; then SYSTEMD=1 elif [ -f /etc/init.d/cron ] && [ ! -h /etc/init.d/cron ]; then SYSTEMD=0 else echo "Unrecognised init system" && exit 1 fi } i2c_vc_dtparam() { if [ -e $CONFIG ] && grep -q "^dtparam=i2c_vc=on$" $CONFIG; then echo -e "\ni2c0 bus already active" else echo -e "\nEnabling i2c0 bus in $CONFIG" echo "dtparam=i2c_vc=on" | sudo tee -a $CONFIG && echo fi } : <<'MAINSTART' Perform all variables declarations as well as function definition above this section for clarity, thanks! MAINSTART # intro message if [ $debugmode != "no" ]; then if [ $debuguser != "none" ]; then gitusername="$debuguser" fi if [ $debugpoint != "none" ]; then gitrepobranch="$debugpoint" fi inform "\nDEBUG MODE ENABLED" echo -e "git user $gitusername and $gitrepobranch branch/tag will be used\n" else echo -e "\nThis script will install everything needed to use\n$productname" if [ "$FORCE" != '-y' ]; then inform "\nAlways be careful when running scripts and commands copied" inform "from the internet. Ensure they are from a trusted source.\n" warning "This script should -- only be run on a Raspberry Pi with RPi OS --" warning "other systems and SBCs are not supported and may explode!\n" echo -e "If you want to see what this script does before running it," echo -e "you should run: 'curl $GETPOOL/$scriptname'\n" fi fi # checks and init space_chk home_dir if [ $debugmode != "no" ]; then echo "USER_HOME is $USER_HOME" echo "OS_NAME is $OS_NAME" echo fi if [ $forcesudo == "yes" ]; then sudocheck fi if [ $uartreq == "yes" ]; then echo "Note: $productname requires UART communication" warning "The serial console will be disabled if you proceed!" fi if [ $spireq == "yes" ]; then echo -e "Note: $productname requires SPI communication" fi if [ $i2creq == "yes" ]; then echo -e "Note: $productname requires I2C communication" fi if [ $i2sreq == "yes" ]; then echo -e "Note: $productname uses the I2S interface" if [ $OS_NAME != "Volumio" ]; then warning "The on-board audio chip will be disabled if you proceed!" fi fi newline if confirm "Do you wish to continue?"; then # basic environment preparation echo -e "\nChecking environment..." if [ "$FORCE" != '-y' ]; then if ! check_network; then warning "We can't connect to the Internet, check your network!" && exit 1 fi sysupdate && newline fi if apt_pkg_req "apt-utils" &> /dev/null; then apt_pkg_install "apt-utils" fi if ! command -v curl > /dev/null; then apt_pkg_install "curl" fi if ! command -v wget > /dev/null; then apt_pkg_install "wget" fi if [ "$pip2support" == "yes" ]; then if ! [ -f "$(which python2)" ]; then if confirm "Python 2 is not installed. Would like to install it?"; then progress apt-get & apt_pkg_install "python-pip" else pip2support="na" fi elif apt_pkg_req "python-pip" &> /dev/null; then progress apt-get & apt_pkg_install "python-pip" fi fi if [ "$pip3support" == "yes" ]; then if ! [ -f "$(which python3)" ]; then if prompt "Python 3 is not installed. Would like to install it?"; then progress apt-get & apt_pkg_install "python3-pip" else pip3support="na" fi elif apt_pkg_req "python3-pip" &> /dev/null; then progress apt-get & apt_pkg_install "python3-pip" fi fi pip_cmd_chk # hardware setup echo -e "\nChecking hardware requirements..." if [ $uartreq == "yes" ]; then echo -e "\nThe serial console must be disabled for $productname to work" curl -sS $GETPOOL/uarton | sudo bash -s - "-y" && ASK_TO_REBOOT=true fi if [ $gpioreq == "yes" ]; then echo -e "\nChecking for packages required for GPIO control..." if apt_pkg_req "raspi-gpio"; then if ! apt_pkg_install "raspi-gpio" &> /dev/null; then echo "package raspi-gpio can't be found, fetching from alternative location..." DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` && cd $DEBDIR wget $RPIPOOL/main/r/raspi-gpio/$RPIGPIO1 &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i $DEBDIR/$RPIGPIO1 && FAILED_PKG=false fi fi if [ "$pip2support" == "yes" ] && ! apt_pkg_install "python-rpi.gpio" &> /dev/null; then if [ -n $(python --version 2>&1 | grep -q "2.7") ]; then echo "package python-rpi.gpio can't be found, fetching from alternative location..." DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` && cd $DEBDIR wget $RPIPOOL/main/r/rpi.gpio/$RPIGPIO2 &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i $DEBDIR/$RPIGPIO2 && FAILED_PKG=false else sudo $PIP2_BIN install RPi.GPIO && FAILED_PKG=false fi fi if [ "$pip3support" == "yes" ] && ! apt_pkg_install "python3-rpi.gpio" &> /dev/null; then if [ -n $(python3 --version 2>&1 | grep -q "3.4") ]; then echo "package python3-rpi.gpio can't be found, fetching from alternative location..." DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` && cd $DEBDIR wget $RPIPOOL/main/r/rpi.gpio/$RPIGPIO3 &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i $DEBDIR/$RPIGPIO3 && FAILED_PKG=false else sudo $PIP3_BIN install RPi.GPIO && FAILED_PKG=false fi fi if [ "$pip2support" == "yes" ] && [ -f "$(which python2)" ]; then if ! $PIP2_BIN list | grep "RPi.GPIO" &> /dev/null; then warning "Unable to install RPi.GPIO for python 2!" && FAILED_PKG=true else RPIGPIO2="install ok installed" fi fi if [ "$pip3support" == "yes" ] && [ -f "$(which python3)" ]; then if ! $PIP3_BIN list | grep "RPi.GPIO" &> /dev/null; then warning "Unable to install RPi.GPIO for python 3!" && FAILED_PKG=true else RPIGPIO3="install ok installed" fi fi if [ "$RPIGPIO2" == "install ok installed" ] || [ "$RPIGPIO3" == "install ok installed" ]; then if ! $FAILED_PKG; then echo -e "RPi.GPIO installed and up-to-date" fi fi fi if [ $spireq == "yes" ]; then newline if ls /dev/spi* &> /dev/null; then inform "SPI already enabled" else echo "SPI must be enabled for $productname to work" if command -v raspi-config > /dev/null && sudo raspi-config nonint get_spi | grep -q "1"; then sudo raspi-config nonint do_spi 0 inform "SPI is now enabled" else curl -sS $GETPOOL/spi | sudo bash -s - "-y" && ASK_TO_REBOOT=true fi fi echo -e "\nChecking packages required by SPI interface..." if [ "$pip2support" == "yes" ] && ! apt_pkg_install "python-spidev" &> /dev/null; then if [ -n $(python --version 2>&1 | grep -q "2.7") ]; then echo "package python-spidev can't be found, fetching from alternative location..." DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` && cd $DEBDIR wget $RPIPOOL/main/s/spidev/$SPIDEV2 &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i $DEBDIR/$SPIDEV2 && FAILED_PKG=false else sudo $PIP2_BIN install spidev && FAILED_PKG=false fi fi if [ "$pip3support" == "yes" ] && ! apt_pkg_install "python3-spidev" &> /dev/null; then if [ -n $(python3 --version 2>&1 | grep -q "3.4") ]; then echo "package python3-spidev can't be found, fetching from alternative location..." DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` && cd $DEBDIR wget $RPIPOOL/main/s/spidev/$SPIDEV3 &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i $DEBDIR/$SPIDEV3 && FAILED_PKG=false else sudo $PIP3_BIN install spidev && FAILED_PKG=false fi fi if [ "$pip2support" == "yes" ] && [ -f "$(which python2)" ]; then if ! $PIP2_BIN list | grep "spidev" &> /dev/null; then warning "Unable to install spidev for python 2!" && FAILED_PKG=true else SPIDEV2="install ok installed" fi fi if [ "$pip3support" == "yes" ] && [ -f "$(which python3)" ]; then if ! $PIP3_BIN list | grep "spidev" &> /dev/null; then warning "Unable to install spidev for python 3!" && FAILED_PKG=true else SPIDEV3="install ok installed" fi fi if [ "$SPIDEV2" == "install ok installed" ] || [ "$SPIDEV3" == "install ok installed" ]; then if ! $FAILED_PKG; then echo -e "spidev installed and up-to-date" fi fi fi if [ $i2creq == "yes" ]; then newline if ls /dev/i2c* &> /dev/null; then inform "I2C already enabled" else echo "I2C must be enabled for $productname to work" if command -v raspi-config > /dev/null && sudo raspi-config nonint get_i2c | grep -q "1"; then sudo raspi-config nonint do_i2c 0 inform "I2C is now enabled" else curl -sS $GETPOOL/i2c | sudo bash -s - "-y" && ASK_TO_REBOOT=true fi fi echo -e "\nChecking packages required by I2C interface..." if [ "$pip2support" == "yes" ] && ! apt_pkg_install "python-smbus" &> /dev/null; then FAILED_PKG=false if [ -n $(python --version 2>&1 | grep -q "2.7") ]; then echo "package python-smbus can't be found, fetching from alternative location..." DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` && cd $DEBDIR wget $RPIPOOL/main/i/i2c-tools/$SMBUS2 &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i $DEBDIR/$SMBUS2 || FAILED_PKG=true fi if $FAILED_PKG; then warning "Unable to install smbus for python 2!" else echo -e "Python 2 smbus installed and up-to-date" fi else echo -e "Python 2 smbus installed and up-to-date" fi if [ "$pip3support" == "yes" ] && ! apt_pkg_install "python3-smbus" &> /dev/null; then FAILED_PKG=false if [ -n $(python3 --version 2>&1 | grep -q "3.4") ]; then echo "package python3-smbus can't be found, fetching from alternative location..." DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` && cd $DEBDIR wget $RPIPOOL/main/i/i2c-tools/$SMBUS3 &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i $DEBDIR/$SMBUS3 || FAILED_PKG=true elif [ -n $(python3 --version 2>&1 | grep -q "3.5") ]; then if apt_pkg_req "python3-smbus1" &> /dev/null; then echo "package python3-smbus can't be found, fetching from alternative location..." DEBDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` && cd $DEBDIR wget $GETPOOL/resources/$SMBUS35 &> /dev/null sudo dpkg -i $DEBDIR/$SMBUS35 || FAILED_PKG=true fi fi if $FAILED_PKG; then warning "Unable to install smbus for python 3!" else echo -e "Python 3 smbus installed and up-to-date" fi else echo -e "Python 3 smbus installed and up-to-date" fi fi if [ $i2sreq == "yes" ]; then if [ -f /etc/asound.conf ]; then sudo rm -f /etc/asound.conf.backup &> /dev/null sudo mv /etc/asound.conf /etc/asound.conf.backup inform "existing config backed up to /etc/asound.conf.backup" fi if [ -f $HOME/.asoundrc ]; then sudo rm -f $HOME/.asoundrc.backup &> /dev/null sudo mv $HOME/.asoundrc $HOME/.asoundrc.backup inform "existing config backed up to ~/.asound.conf.backup" fi fi # minimum install routine if [ $mininstall != "yes" ] && [ $gitrepoclone != "yes" ]; then newline echo "$productname comes with examples and documentation that you may wish to install." echo "Performing a full install will ensure those resources are installed," echo "along with all required dependencies. It may however take a while!" newline if ! confirm "Do you wish to perform a full install?"; then MIN_INSTALL=true fi else MIN_INSTALL=true fi if [ $localdir != "na" ]; then installdir="$USER_HOME/$topdir/$localdir" else installdir="$USER_HOME/$topdir" fi if ! $MIN_INSTALL || [ $gitrepoclone == "yes" ]; then [ -d $installdir ] || mkdir -p $installdir fi if [ $debugmode != "no" ]; then echo "INSTALLDIR is $installdir" fi # apt repo install echo -e "\nChecking for dependencies..." if $REMOVE_PKG; then for pkgrm in ${pkgremove[@]}; do warning "Installed package conflicts with requirements" sudo apt-get remove "$pkgrm" done fi for pkgdep in ${coredeplist[@]}; do if apt_pkg_req "$pkgdep"; then apt_pkg_install "$pkgdep" fi done for pkgdep in ${pythondep[@]}; do if [ -f "$(which python2)" ] && [ $pip2support == "yes" ]; then if apt_pkg_req "python-$pkgdep"; then apt_pkg_install "python-$pkgdep" fi fi if [ -f "$(which python3)" ] && [ $pip3support == "yes" ]; then if apt_pkg_req "python3-$pkgdep"; then apt_pkg_install "python3-$pkgdep" fi fi done if [ $pipoverride != "yes" ] && [ $debpackage != "na" ]; then newline if [ $pip2support != "yes" ] && [ $pip3support != "yes" ]; then apt_deb_install "$debpackage" fi if [ -f "$(which python2)" ] && [ $pip2support == "yes" ]; then apt_deb_install "python-$debpackage" if ! apt_pkg_req "python-$debpackage" &> /dev/null; then sudo $PIP2_BIN uninstall -y "$piplibname" &> /dev/null fi fi if [ -f "$(which python3)" ] && [ $pip3support == "yes" ]; then apt_deb_install "python3-$debpackage" if ! apt_pkg_req "python3-$debpackage" &> /dev/null; then sudo $PIP3_BIN uninstall -y "$piplibname" &> /dev/null fi fi if apt_pkg_req "python-$debpackage" &> /dev/null || apt_pkg_req "python3-$debpackage" &> /dev/null; then debpackage="na" fi else debpackage="na" fi # pypi repo install if [ -f "$(which python2)" ] && [ $pip2support == "yes" ] && apt_pkg_req "python-$debpackage" &> /dev/null; then if [ $piplibname != "na" ] && [ $debpackage == "na" ]; then newline && echo "Installing $productname library for Python 2..." && newline if ! sudo -H $PIP2_BIN install --upgrade "$piplibname"; then warning "Python 2 library install failed!" echo "If problems persist, visit forums.pimoroni.com for support" exit 1 fi fi fi if [ -f "$(which python3)" ] && [ $pip3support == "yes" ] && apt_pkg_req "python3-$debpackage" &> /dev/null; then if [ $piplibname != "na" ] && [ $debpackage == "na" ]; then newline && echo "Installing $productname library for Python 3..." && newline if ! sudo -H $PIP3_BIN install --upgrade "$piplibname"; then warning "Python 3 library install failed!" echo "If problems persist, visit forums.pimoroni.com for support" exit 1 fi fi fi # git repo install if [ $gitrepoclone == "yes" ]; then if ! command -v git > /dev/null; then apt_pkg_install git fi if [ $gitclonedir == "source" ]; then gitclonedir=$gitreponame fi if [ $repoclean == "yes" ]; then rm -Rf $installdir/$gitclonedir fi if [ -d $installdir/$gitclonedir ]; then newline && echo "Github repo already present. Updating..." cd $installdir/$gitclonedir && git pull else newline && echo "Cloning Github repo locally..." cd $installdir if [ $debugmode != "no" ]; then echo "git user name is $gitusername" echo "git repo name is $gitreponame" fi if [ $gitrepobranch != "master" ]; then git clone https://github.com/$gitusername/$gitreponame $gitclonedir -b $gitrepobranch else git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/$gitusername/$gitreponame $gitclonedir fi fi fi if [ $repoinstall == "yes" ]; then newline && echo "Installing library..." && newline cd $installdir/$gitreponame/$libdir if [ -f "$(which python2)" ] && [ $pip2support == "yes" ]; then sudo python2 ./setup.py install fi if [ -f "$(which python3)" ] && [ $pip3support == "yes" ]; then sudo python3 ./setup.py install fi newline fi # additional install if ! $MIN_INSTALL; then echo -e "\nChecking for additional software..." for moredep in ${examplesdep[@]}; do if [ -f "$(which python2)" ] && apt_pkg_req "python-$moredep"; then if ! apt_pkg_install "python-$moredep"; then sudo -H $PIP2_BIN install "$moredep" if pip2_lib_req "$moredep"; then FAILED_PKG=true fi fi fi if [ -f "$(which python3)" ] && apt_pkg_req "python3-$moredep"; then if ! apt_pkg_install "python3-$moredep"; then sudo -H $PIP3_BIN install "$moredep" if pip3_lib_req "$moredep"; then FAILED_PKG=true fi fi fi done for pipdep in ${pipdeplist[@]}; do if [ -f "$(which python2)" ] && pip2_lib_req "$pipdep"; then sudo -H $PIP2_BIN install "$pipdep" fi if [ -f "$(which python3)" ] && pip3_lib_req "$pipdep"; then sudo -H $PIP3_BIN install "$pipdep" fi done for moredep in ${somemoredep[@]}; do if apt_pkg_req "$moredep"; then apt_pkg_install "$moredep" fi done if [ -n "$DISPLAY" ]; then for x11dep in ${xdisplaydep[@]}; do if apt_pkg_req "$x11dep"; then apt_pkg_install "$x11dep" fi done fi fi # resources install if ! $MIN_INSTALL && [ -n "$copydir" ]; then if ! command -v git > /dev/null; then apt_pkg_install git fi echo -e "\nDownloading examples and documentation..." TMPDIR=`mktemp -d /tmp/pimoroni.XXXXXX` cd $TMPDIR if [ $copyhead != "yes" ]; then GITTAG=$(git ls-remote -t https://github.com/$gitusername/$gitreponame v\?.?.? | tail -n 1 | rev | cut -c -6 | rev) fi if [ -n "$GITTAG" ]; then git clone https://github.com/$gitusername/$gitreponame -b $GITTAG &> /dev/null else git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/$gitusername/$gitreponame &> /dev/null fi cd $installdir for repodir in ${copydir[@]}; do if [ -d $repodir ] && [ $repodir != "documentation" ]; then newline if [ -d $installdir/$repodir-backup ]; then rm -R $installdir/$repodir-old &> /dev/null mv $installdir/$repodir-backup $installdir/$repodir-old &> /dev/null fi mv $installdir/$repodir $installdir/$repodir-backup &> /dev/null if [ $gitrepotop != "root" ]; then cp -R $TMPDIR/$gitreponame/$gitrepotop/$repodir $installdir/$repodir &> /dev/null else cp -R $TMPDIR/$gitreponame/$repodir $installdir/$repodir &> /dev/null fi inform "The $repodir directory already exists on your system!" echo -e "We've backed them up as $repodir-backup, just in case you've changed anything!\n" else rm -R $installdir/$repodir &> /dev/null if [ $gitrepotop != "root" ]; then cp -R $TMPDIR/$gitreponame/$gitrepotop/$repodir $installdir/$repodir &> /dev/null else cp -R $TMPDIR/$gitreponame/$repodir $installdir/$repodir &> /dev/null fi fi done echo "Resources for your $productname were copied to" inform "$installdir" rm -rf $TMPDIR fi # script custom routines if [ $customcmd == "no" ]; then if [ -n "$pkgremove" ]; then echo -e "\nFinalising Install...\n" sysclean && newline fi echo -e "\nAll done. Enjoy your $productname!\n" else # custom block starts here echo -e "\nFinalising Install...\n" # place all custom commands in this scope fi if $FAILED_PKG; then warning "\nSome packages could not be installed, review the output for details!\n" fi if [ "$FORCE" != '-y' ]; then if [ $promptreboot == "yes" ] || $ASK_TO_REBOOT; then sysreboot && newline fi fi else echo -e "\nAborting...\n" fi exit 0